Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cheers to the Picture Fail

Remember the time before digital cameras, when we actually had to use film and wait until they were developed before seeing a picture? Sometimes you go through a whole roll and realize none of your pictures turned out well until you get the prints back. That was always a total bummer.

Well, thank goodness for digital cameras where you can preview shots, retake them as many times as you can stand to pose, and then delete the unwanted photos.

But sometimes, You shouldn't delete those unwanted, messed up, picture fails because they actually become the perfect picture, the perfect memory, and for the most part you can get a good laugh out of them.

I have a problem with getting rid of things - clothing tags, protective plastic on new items, and bad pictures. I don't use them in albums or post them, but when I go through my collection of photos and I see these ridiculous pictures, I smile because I can remember exactly what was happening when it was taken. Plus, who is perfect all the time? And when taking pictures with kids...sometimes you take what you can get.

Like this one:

We just moved to a new apartment with a great park nearby. I had gotten off of work at noon and decided to have a picnic and playtime at the park. The weather was great and the kids were peaceful and happy and I wanted to capture the moment. After several tries, this picture was by far the "best" shot I was able to take with them being too busy chatting and eating to stop for a moment. I was a bit embarrassed to show this picture. Everything is wrong with it - their mouths are stuffed with chicken nuggets (they quickly stuffed them right when I said "say cheese" and then smiled), my daughter's eyes are closed, my son's hair is in his face, and the lighting and shadows made for a slightly frustrated mama trying to capture a wonderful moment. 

After taking this picture, I decided it was time to put down the camera. I figured I was no longer "capturing" a moment and just trying to create one for a keepsake picture. To interrupt them from freely enjoying themselves for a picture just didn't seem right. And the time I was spending trying to get a good shot and focusing on my camera (even if it was just a few minutes) was time wasted where I could be interacting with my kids and possibly missing out on a great moment they will remember. And that's what matters.

But I do like the picture. In my eyes it's a keeper. My daughter's face is hilarious and it would be a great blackmail pic someday. My son...well, I love this pic because it depicts the very essence of his eating skills - with his mouth completely stuffed and the next bite ready and waiting in his hands. There was no other way he would eat! We were always freaked out about choking, but he's made it through that phase and now takes normal bites Hallelujah! One day, when he has a son that stuffs his face like a hamster, I can show him exactly who he got it from.

So before you go through your photos and start deleting them, pause for a second and think about that moment you took the picture and see if it is worth keeping. Cheers to the picture fail!

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