Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Weekend Review: Fourth of July


I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July! As you can see from the pic above, you know our kiddos sure did. Aren't they the cutest?!!! It is one of the holidays that always seem to never turns out the way we expected...it always turns out better. Basically we barbecued and stuffed our faces, swam, stuffed our faces some more, put on a fireworks show for the neighborhood, and stuffed ourselves one last time before bed.

These cuties are always twinning on the 4th
The Lil Sis and I 
Patriotic Pup
(The only dog that actually enjoys fireworks)
Mayhem needed a nap...and so do I
Until next time...

Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Review: Getting Ice Cream Wasted

We've been preoccupied lately with helping my parents prepare to sell their house that we have not really done much with the kids. Yesterday, MD and I decided to go with the flow.
No plans.
Open to anything.
That flow lead us to a chill day which turned out to be one of the best days lately.

The day started out just like a normal day. Woke up. Fed kids breakfast.
Went upstairs to wake up MD (Lucky him...he's not a morning person).
But then something happened. I laid down for only a second. Next thing I know I was fully under the blankets ready for an early nap. It isn't unusual for me to want to take a nap...all. the. time. But what was different was that MD got up and took over with the kids, without any discussion leaving me to rest peacefully.

When I woke up, I was amazed that I woke up on my own, without any screaming or crying or someone asking me for something. I found the kids out in the front yard having popsicles and learning to make paper airplanes with their daddy. Their favorite one turned out to be a plane lacking a tail...i didn't ask why. I just found it awesome. Why did I never think to make paper airplanes with the kids???

Do you want to know what was more awesome? Not even 10 minutes after I woke from my restful slumber was it time for the kids to nap. Are you kidding me? First I got to take a nap without restrictions and now the kids were going to be snoozing leaving me with an extra hour or two of peace and quiet. Was this some kind of weird do-over Mother's day? Because all I asked for on that day was to take a nap followed by a couple hours to relax.

My body and brain has gotten used to always being busy so I began to get restless to say the least. As soon as my kiddos woke up I buckled them into the car and took them on our weekly adventure for something new. This time we headed to Ghiradelli Ice Cream & Chocolate Shop.

I was a little apprehensive taking them to eat somewhere especially in such a small place. If you've read my previous post about my experience with taking the kiddos out to eat, you would understand why. We got through it quite well, although not as long as I would have liked. My son seems to be turning into a homebody nowadays. Always saying "i want to go home now". But overall its was still fun. The only thing I would've done differently was to bring some baby wipes for sticky hands and faces...and clothes and hair, etc... It would have been a lot easier than having to ask the cashier for my own package of napkins for head-to-toe wipe downs.

And that was it. They went swimming afterwards, ate dinner, and went to bed. But I was totally happy and satisfied. Not just because it was the most relaxing day I've had in a long time, but that I continue to work on my goals (for today it was trying something new with the kids every weekend) and moving steadily ahead in pursuit of happiness, balance, and being a better mommy. 

Sunday didn't seem like a big deal from the outside. It was just paper airplanes, ice cream, naps, and keeping cool...but if you think about it, the little things are a big deal to a little kid. Being able to slow down and have fun with your parents' full attention is happiness to a child. I hope to have more days like this.
Can you see the excitement?
Back up sissy. Those sprinkles are MINE
Sneaky hand can't wait
Chocolate Mayhem
It got everywhere except his shirt...strange...hmm
Resting before her next mouthful of ice cream goodness

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Beach Ball End of School Gift/Party Favor

I wanted to quickly share a little gift I gave to my daughter's preschool class on the last day of school. This post is kind of late since summer is now in full swing, but it could also be made as a summer party favor for birthdays etc.

I had several parents tell me what a wonderful idea it was. They were also bummed that they didn't think to do something like it, which is why I thought I should share. If you are not the creative type or don't have the time to get crafty, you can still do it. It took me less than an hour to finish.

It was last minute (most everything I do is last minute), but quick and easy which is what I needed. I was very very busy that week, but we couldn't say goodbye to the kids without giving them something and making sure they have our contact info for future play dates or just to keep in touch. Maya's preschool was having a Water Day on the last day of class so I thought beach balls would be a fun gift, other than sweets, and they would be able to use on the last day of school.

I bought 12" beach balls from Amazon and attached two cards to them. I have an Amazon Prime account so I received my shipment in less than two days,thank goodness!

For the cards, I used a name badge template from Microsoft Word called "Bright Design" and inserted this printable on the front card from the blog Ginger Snap Crafts. Thank goodness for the blogging world and all the lovely people who share their wonderful crafts and ideas. It would have taken me much too long to create one on my own and I didn't have time for any of that.

For the back card, I used the same template, created a short little rhyme, and added our contact information.

I simply cut the cards and slapped them on the beach balls with Zots. I first tried my adhesive tape gun, but it was too strong and left behind gunk and part of the card on the balls. I wanted the cards to be easily pulled off to be placed in a purse or wallet so parents would have our contact info handy.

This is how they turned out:

Ta-DA! All done.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Perfectionist and the Playroom: How I found inspiration for a playroom makeover


 A few days ago, I decided to take a quick peek around at Home Goods. I'm totally laughing at myself right now because it never turns out to be "quick" (I love that place so much I wish I lived in it). I was looking for a chair for my new dressing table the boyfriend, MD, bought me so that I can finally use it. Instead I came across a canvas word print that lead to my inspiration for the kids' playroom.

I saw it at the very end corner of the store. I didn't care for it at first. I always liked ones I've seen before, but they always seemed too wordy for a 2 and 5 year old. But then I read it. This one was simple, straightforward, and exactly the words I would share with my kids on how to play and learn and live out their childhood. It was super exciting for me because up to this point I was lost as to how to decorate and set up the playroom, and it usually takes me five forevers to think and research and Google ideas before making a decision. Then it takes me a while longer to decide if I really should spend money on it. I also came across a tote with the same colors and ran out the store with the two to show MD what I got.

But that's not the real inspiration I want to talk about.


It's been five months since we've moved into our home. Not one room is completely done and I am slowly losing my mind. We haven't completed anything partly because we've been so busy, partly because I'm a huge procrastinator, and partly because i'm never sure of myself enough to be confident in what i'm doing.

Often times, I get it in my head that there has to be a perfect time set aside to work on the house and that it has to look exactly like the vision in my head, with the right price, and the functionality i'm looking for...and I refuse to do anything until I know I've got it all. But if being a parent has taught me anything I've learned that there isn't a perfect time. AND that nothing will turn out exactly as I envision, especially if my bank account and lack of time has anything to do with it.

I knew I will never get the house perfect or exactly how I wanted it. I knew I could change things up if I didn't like it and that nothing has to be perfect the first time. I knew it didn't matter what others would say about our home because what matters is how we feel about it, but I could never convince that obsessive perfectionist who lives inside my head and fills me with insecurities. I'm totally messed up, I know. But this time things are changing. I started this blog because I wanted to change for the better and it was time to kick her OUT.

The crazy thing is at the same time I was thinking this, I came across a blog called The Nesting Place where her motto is:


The first thing I read on her blog was a post where she tells people to stop waiting for the next home and to start loving the one your in. She's totally right. I just came from a pretty decent apartment that I never set up. We ended up living with piles all over the place for a year because I just couldn't get myself to spend the time or money on the apartment. I couldn't justify working on a place that wasn't completely mine to work with and change what I want. For some reason I couldn't live with 'good enough' or 'for right now'. And now I was doing it again at our new home. It was a depressing moment.

Click on image for the link
I read her words. I read what her blog was all about. It was about everything that was wrong with my thoughts when it comes to making a house a home. It was just the push I needed to get going. Instead of feeling overwhelmed about making sure our house will be perfect, functional, easy to clean, etc...I finally felt ready to just do it. No more over-thinking. No more letting that crazy perfectionist inside fill me with thoughts that I won't be happy with our home because it's not how I dreamed it up to be. Just make the best of what I've got and go with it.

That was the real inspiration. It opened up my eyes to look at things from a different angle. To be open to change. To embrace and take pride in imperfections...my imperfections.

Pack your bags crazy obsessive little perfectionist inside my head. You are no longer welcome here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cheers to the Picture Fail

Remember the time before digital cameras, when we actually had to use film and wait until they were developed before seeing a picture? Sometimes you go through a whole roll and realize none of your pictures turned out well until you get the prints back. That was always a total bummer.

Well, thank goodness for digital cameras where you can preview shots, retake them as many times as you can stand to pose, and then delete the unwanted photos.

But sometimes, You shouldn't delete those unwanted, messed up, picture fails because they actually become the perfect picture, the perfect memory, and for the most part you can get a good laugh out of them.

I have a problem with getting rid of things - clothing tags, protective plastic on new items, and bad pictures. I don't use them in albums or post them, but when I go through my collection of photos and I see these ridiculous pictures, I smile because I can remember exactly what was happening when it was taken. Plus, who is perfect all the time? And when taking pictures with kids...sometimes you take what you can get.

Like this one:

We just moved to a new apartment with a great park nearby. I had gotten off of work at noon and decided to have a picnic and playtime at the park. The weather was great and the kids were peaceful and happy and I wanted to capture the moment. After several tries, this picture was by far the "best" shot I was able to take with them being too busy chatting and eating to stop for a moment. I was a bit embarrassed to show this picture. Everything is wrong with it - their mouths are stuffed with chicken nuggets (they quickly stuffed them right when I said "say cheese" and then smiled), my daughter's eyes are closed, my son's hair is in his face, and the lighting and shadows made for a slightly frustrated mama trying to capture a wonderful moment. 

After taking this picture, I decided it was time to put down the camera. I figured I was no longer "capturing" a moment and just trying to create one for a keepsake picture. To interrupt them from freely enjoying themselves for a picture just didn't seem right. And the time I was spending trying to get a good shot and focusing on my camera (even if it was just a few minutes) was time wasted where I could be interacting with my kids and possibly missing out on a great moment they will remember. And that's what matters.

But I do like the picture. In my eyes it's a keeper. My daughter's face is hilarious and it would be a great blackmail pic someday. My son...well, I love this pic because it depicts the very essence of his eating skills - with his mouth completely stuffed and the next bite ready and waiting in his hands. There was no other way he would eat! We were always freaked out about choking, but he's made it through that phase and now takes normal bites Hallelujah! One day, when he has a son that stuffs his face like a hamster, I can show him exactly who he got it from.

So before you go through your photos and start deleting them, pause for a second and think about that moment you took the picture and see if it is worth keeping. Cheers to the picture fail!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Kale and Spinach Smoothie

Last week, the kids and I were hanging out on a hot Friday afternoon, when my kids asked for a snack..."something sweet" they said. I didn't have any healthy snacks readily available since I haven't gone to the grocery store for a while, but I really didn't want to give them any junk food. They've already cooled down with some popsicles, so now what?

I searched around the kitchen for some inspiration. Then I remembered I had bag of organic kale and spinach my mom gave me. This would be a great opportunity to try something new and make some healthy smoothies! We do need to start transitioning from mostly processed food to regularly eating healthier, organic food. What could be greater than getting my kids to each vegetables in a way they think is a treat?!

And with that, the thought came to me....

Your mission, January, should you choose to accept, is to create a concoction of fruits and vegetables using a blender that will appease and satiate the curly headed creatures, eliminating further desire for sweets.

Challenge accepted!

It's a challenge because...well, frankly...my blender and I aren't great friends. I've never been good at using one. I've tried to make drinks in the past and they've never turned out...edible. I know what you're thinking...how can anyone mess up a smoothie, right? It happens. Trust me. Since then I just leave it to the experts and buy my smoothies.

Luckily, I had the right ingredients on-hand to make a decent smoothie:
-organic kale and spinach
-one ripe banana
-blueberry yogurt
-one cup of ice

I didn't really measure anything, I just cut them up and threw a handful of each ingredient in the blender and hoped for the best. In retrospect, maybe this is why I never could make a smoothie right. I never tried to adjust what I made or tried to look up a recipe. I just figured smoothie-making wasn't my thing...oh well.
I was scared as heck I would make a catastrophe of a smoothie and traumatize my kids from ever drinking another one ever again {over-dramatization runs in my family}. But I already accepted the challenge...and after all i'm on a mission for self-improvement, so I can't just NOT do anything because I'm scared. I told myself  "It's just a damn smoothie for crying out loud! If it doesn't turn out okay, you won't stop breathing, promise". So I plugged the darn blender in and cranked the dial to "smoothie" and waited...

Here's what happened...

Batman wasn't so sure about this drink

Got him to try it by bribing him with kisses

Check out the eyebrow raise. Thinking "not bad"
Let's give it another try...

Big eyes = light bulb moment

Success! He totally likes it!

Now for Maya...

Serious drinking going on here

"Did you make this, Mommy?"

Thumbs up for Mommy

Now for a song about her smoothie

Hey not bad! In fact, they loved it so much daddy and the kids asked for it again the next day.

Here's a few things I learned after several days of smoothie making:
-Freeze your fruit. It comes out a lot better
-Coconut water works great
-It doesn't hurt to use kefir. Tastes great. Feels great.
-If you need it to be sweeter, use a little honey instead or organic raw sugar instead of the white stuff.
-If you make more than you can drink or you want to make it ahead of time, freeze it in ice cube trays. Then when you are ready for more, fill a glass with the frozen smoothie cubes and defrost in the fridge or on your way to the gym, work, shopping spree, etc.

Monday, June 2, 2014

WEEKEND REVIEW: Yard sales and Pixie Woods

In an effort to be a better mommy, one of the goals I made for myself is to explore the world with my children and make great memories. So I decided this Summer I will make an effort find something new and different to do with my kids on the weekends. It doesn't have to be grand, just something new and different to them. 

On our first weekend we woke up early and went to our annual community wide yard sale. It was more like a flea market with more than 50 "vendors". I went to look for furnishings and home goods. Instead I came out with mostly toys. Go figure. You can't pass up a $1 doll bed and a $5 remote controlled dinosaur.

Here is a pic of our haul. 

Minus the doll bed because Maya's dolly was sleeping and couldn't be disturbed

At least I got a used trunk for cheap. I'm hoping I can turn this into a DIY project one day.

After playing with our yard sale purchases, we got ready to visit Pixie Woods Amusement Park

Our local  amusement part held an event called Children and Youth Day. A superb amount of vendors that had anything to do with children came to provide information about their companies and missions. You had the sports and recreational people, pediatric dentists and doctors, and the non-profits who help families achieve a better life for their children. Those are my favorites. My daughter took part performing with her ballet company and let me tell you...she was pretty awesome. She always amazes me how willing and happy she is to perform in front of strangers.

They had games and prizes to give the thousands of visitors that were there. There were so many people, so many booths, my head started spinning. I didn't know where to even start! Should we walk through the vendor tables or should I take my kids on the rides and explore the numerous themed playgrounds? Oh, I got it. Let's start with FOOD! Hooray for food!!

After eating the usual hot dogs and nachos, we were ready to explore, only I made a major mommy blunder...I forgot the stroller! dun Dun DUN!!!! I knew then that our time was limited. We got to check out a couple of the park's mini towns and playgrounds and took some pictures, but with it being close to nap time and having a large amount of ground to cover, my son, Julius started to unravel a bit. 

The kids made puppets guided by two of the funniest, caring, and PATIENT ladies I've ever met. Then the kids insisted on playing a tic-tac-toe bean bag toss game-thing (sorry I told you i'm not always good with words). Julius was pretty darn good at it, but he refused to leave so we went back in line to play again. The lady running this booth wasn't too happy about it. I didn't know what to say except that she didn't need to give him more than one prize, he just wanted to play. She still wasn't happy and gave him the sideways look when he started getting louder saying "I play, I play!" So I blurted out the next thing that came to mind which was "He's two" and shrugged my shoulders. 

And with two words her whole demeanor changed and welcomed him to play a few more times.

You see, my son is a little larger than kids his age and sometimes looks older as well. But his behavior and his communication skills are still that of a two year old and it confuses people sometimes. It's happened all throughout his little life. One time someone asked him at 8 months old "What's your name?"  and expected him to reply. So I've gotten used to being asked his age or just blurting out "He's two" quite often. It seems to comfort strangers and quiet their thoughts. I have no problem with it.

Since we played so much tic-tac-toe, there wasn't time for anything else. Julius started walking in a zig zag which usually means "i'm too tired to walk and see in a straight line" so we headed home. I felt a little sad we missed out on the free rides (because they are kinda expensive on a normal day) and that we didn't see all of Pixie Woods, but what the heck? I live less than 15 minutes away. There's no reason not to return. Plus the kids seemed pretty happy with all that happened so no guilt walking away early.

So if you are just like me and you live in the area, make sure to put Pixie Woods on your to do list this summer. It's only open until October 26th this year. If you want to know more about Pixie Woods, click here

Here's a few more photos from our Pixie Woods adventure...
Maya and uh...Mickey

"Hey Buddy, look over here!"

Too busy looking at everything

Aren't they cute?!

Poor horsey was having a hard time holding up this big boy

Post tantrum smiles

Thanks for reading!

Friday, May 30, 2014

She makes me one proud mama

She makes me forget sometimes that she's only five
She makes everyone forget sometimes
She's an old soul in a tiny little body

She warms my heart
She is so in tune with the world for a preschooler
The only one in the class to understand the message of "I have a Dream"
Others dream of ice cream and fire trucks
She dreams of a happy and healthy family, peace and love for everyone

She inspires me
She makes me want to do better, to be better...for her. She deserves it
She reminds me of what I've taught her when I need a lesson
She's my very own cheering squad.

She intrigues me
I love watching her brain at work
I love how I can say "yes you can" when she says she can't and "give it a try" and she goes for it
I love it when her eyes brighten when she realizes she really CAN do something.

She amazes me
So independent
So strong willed
Never taking no for an answer
Never the one to be fooled.
Never afraid to fail. Always pushing forward.

She makes me one proud mama.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Farewell, Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou passed away this morning. It was a shock to me...I always thought for some reason that she would live past 100. Eighty-six was too young for a woman with such great presence, power, and knowledge. It saddened my heart to see that she was gone.

She has always been my favorite poet. Her words resonated with me even as a young child. I understood her, I felt the power in what she wrote. I found her admirable and iconic.

Which is why it's no surprise to me why my daughter carries her name. 

Maya Angela, derived from Maya Angelou.

I had hoped that in the next few years after Maya learned to read that we would read Maya Angelou's works together and perhaps even hear her speak one day. But it won't be possible now.

Regardless, her passing has reminded me to teach my daughter the same lessons I learned from the great Maya Angelou. I want her to know why she was named after this woman and what she stands for. I want my daughter to know that I gave her a name that to me - has a meaning of strength, courage, confidence, and perseverance. Those are the characteristics I want to instill within her as she grows into a woman.

It's a tall order for a five year old. But all I can say is...she's definitely living up to it.

So farewell, Maya Angelou. Thank you for giving us words to live by for generations to follow. We will miss you.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dining out with the kids, trial #001

I don't take my kids out to restaurants. My kids and restaurants don't mix.

When it was just my daughter, Maya, we went out all the time. It was pretty easy.
Happy baby in a restaurant
Keeping busy while mommy plans a party
Until baby number two, Julius, came around. Then mommy had less time for her and Maya had to do something to get mommy's attention. Don't get me wrong, she is the most loving big sister around, but she had to get hers too. That made going out a little challenging. Not only that, but the fact that they love sharing mischief with each other and feed off of each other's energy makes for a disastrous combination when out in public.

We've always done our best to tame our spirited little creatures while dining out. I've read numerous books and blogs about taking kids out to eat, but nothing has really worked...not even bringing an iPad to keep them busy during downtime. We've also always been grateful for our fellow dining patrons who do their best to smile or ignore the cloud of craziness that hover over us wherever we went, but I know how we look and I know what some of them are thinking...and you know too.

So after our final disastrous dinner at a fine dining restaurant while visiting family (too traumatizing to discuss in detail), their dad and I decided that we will just get takeout from now on until they turn 10.

Yesterday, however, I felt adventurous. I was tired of sitting at home, but with no babysitter on a Friday evening I decided to be brave and have a family dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory.

Why there? Well, because:
- it's less than a mile away
- my kids love pasta
- my co-worker said it's the only place in town she dares to bring her kids because that's where all the families with screaming kids go. 

So why not try it?

As we were driving to the restaurant, I kept envisioning a crowded room full of families with little children, eating, laughing, and screaming. I was positive this was going to be a good experience. When we walk into the place, it is DEAD QUIET! Uh-oh....With only an elderly couple and a group of men in our section, I started to tense up. This isn't how I expected it to be on a Friday night. Where were all the families with the screaming kids we can blend in with?! "Stay positive, Jan. We're already here, we can do this!" I told myself as I breathed deeply into the menu.

We got through ordering our food pretty smoothly. They sat down quietly, took their menus and started coloring. After the waiter delivered our food and left, the next few moments seemed like a blur. Next thing I know Maya is swinging off the table or peeking into the booth next to us asking her brother to join in on the fun, while Julius says"i'm so hungry mommy, feed me!" and "i want my carseat" (he meant his booster) but refuses to eat or sit because he's too busy peeking into the booth next to us and trying to take the picture frame off the wall. How did this happen? Do they have a crazy switch or something? We do well eating at the dinner table at home so why all the commotion here? I tried to take a picture so I can have a souvenir of this comical portrait of our family, but I was too busy making sure our food didn't fall, or our kids didn't fall, or anything else fall. Nothing stopped them. I had brought an arsenal of toys and equipment to keep them busy, i tried to keep them entertained with games and questions and silly songs and stories, but they wanted none of it. They wanted to play with the restaurant.

Finally, as beads of sweat started rolling down my forehead one family came in, then another, and another! After 10 minutes I realized my co-worker was right...this IS where families with screaming kids go. Whew! It looks like we were just a little early for family-with-screaming-kids dinnertime. Too bad we were over the experience and waiting for our check to come.

Overall, it was a great learning experience. Seeing other families just like ours going out to eat made me feel positive we can do this again. It was only our first try, and although it didn't go as well as I had hoped, I'm proud to say i'm not afraid to try again. Way to go Jan! But when that time will come, i'm not so sure yet. When it does, we just have to tweak our approach a little, find the right times and places to go, keep up with our lessons on mannerisms, and hopefully my kids will get used to being out in public (crossing fingers).

If you have any tips and tricks you want to share, please comment below. I would love to hear from you guys.

I just wanted to note here that when I mention "screaming kids" I mean screaming in a playful, childlike manner, when kids are just being kids...enjoying themselves, laughing (sometimes crying because kids cry sometimes) and chattering in their excited little voices.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Hello World!

Hello me, meet the world of blogging.

I'm not very good at writing. In fact, I'm not very good at using words overall...but my mind is full of thoughts swirling around looking for a place to call home. So, why write a blog? I'm not quite sure yet except that it feels like the right thing to do.

I want to get to know myself a little better, rediscover my likes, dreams, and hopes. As a busy and admittedly overwhelmed mother just barely getting through the day...everyday, my life has been full of diaper changes, cleaning up mess with every move I make, and  endless repetitions of cartoon shows and children's songs all day long! No it's not a bad thing. As years pass by those will be the things I look back at and miss, and I totally love giving my whole self to raising and enriching my children's lives. Yet, I can't help but feel like I don't know myself anymore. Somehow along the way, I've forgotten who I was and have no clue as to who I really am now. I keep saying "I used to do this" and "I would love to do that", but that's all I can say for myself. There is nothing that I can state that truly defines who I am and I haven't given myself enough of a chance to do so.

But enough of that! No more excuses. Today is a new start. I'm finally going to stop thinking and start getting my butt moving. I have a lot to learn and long list of goals to work on and I can't do it sprawled on my bed comatose while my kids jump around me (with shoes on) throwing newly folded clothes into the air. I can't be the only mother out there itching to do better, to be better...to discover passion in all facets of life and live to the fullest. I'm not the only one who scribbles a long lists of goals and resolutions on a piece of paper or in my iPhone in hopes that January 1st will bring me luck in fulfilling them. And then suddenly discover this long forgotten list a year or two later realizing that I haven't accomplished anything on that list. It's not a good feeling.

So welcome to my new adventure of self-discovery while sharing what I have to give to the world .....I no longer want to feel dull, lost, and sitting waiting for things to happen. This is my journey to discover who I am and become the woman I want to be. This is my journey to find happiness and give happiness. Won't you join me? Perhaps, you will also find some answers along the way. And together we might help others too. It's a pretty good feeling.

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